Saturday 16 November 2019

Gap Certificate Process | Gap Certificate Format | Mahitipatrak

In this article, we are going to look at how to get a Gap Certificate and how much it costs. First, we will look at why a Gap Certificate is required.

gap certificate front page
Gap certificate front page

If there is gap in your education for 1 years or more, then Gap Certificate is mandatory if you want to pursue further education.

Gap Certificate is to be given such as Gap Certificate as proof that you did not take admission elsewhere due to gap in your education. To get a Gap Certificate you have to go to the Setu office located in or near your Taluka.

Gap certificate back page
Gap certificate back page

Probably go to the Setu office because you will find stamps shops and typing shops. So you will all meet in one place.

Documents Required for Gap Certificate

1. 100 rupee stamp
2. Xerox proof of leaving school or college
3. Aadhaar Card (Just carry along with you for ID proof)

To get the Gap Certificate, you will first need to bring a 1 rupee stamp. Go to the stamp vendor to buy a stamp. When you go there, they will ask you for the Aadhar card. If there is no Aadhar card, then it will not give you a stamp.

Take the Aadhaar card along with it. After showing the Aadhar card, he will write your name and he will give you the stamp.

After that take the stamp and go to the typist. Typewriter will ask you to submit Xerox. If you have a year and month of leaving school / college, you can make a Gap Certificate by word of mouth. But if that typewriter agrees, he will give it. But if he tells you to give Xerox then you have to give it, so take Xerox with him.

Xerox will make a Gap Certificate from the look above or from what you just said. It will print on the stamp as well as the camera next to it will take your photo and print it on your stamp.

Take it go to your nearest Setu office. Go to the clerical staff at the Setu office. Give them the stamp, they will print seal the office of the Setu and add a form along with it. You will want to take the form and go to the Taluka magistrate. 

Once signed, go back to the clerical staff, he will print another stamp on stamp, take his form and give you a stamp. Now your Gap Certificate is ready.

Cost of Gap Certificate

1. 100 rupees stamp
2. 50 rupees Cost of typing
3. 50 to 100 rupees in the Setu office (no fix because they take different amounts at different places).

Total Cost - 200 to 300 rupees.

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